Aging in Place Service
Independence at Home
Increasingly, older adults and seniors are electing to stay in their current homes as they age. Do your wants and needs fall within this growing trend? You may consider staying in your home because it is familiar and comfortable. You want to have the freedom to live as you wish.
Along with this decision comes many considerations that must be explored. Health and safety are a prime concern that must be addressed when planning to age in place.
We can help you transform your home to be safe, organized, and aesthetically pleasing so that you can continue to live there, feeling secure and prepared for this time in your life.
Ready to explore this option?

Aging in Place Organizing
- Assess interior and exterior “visitability”
- Create floor plans
- Sort through and disperse items in your home to go to family, donation, and disposal
- Organize your home environment for accessibility as well as aesthetics
- Include family, friends, and others in collaboration with your desires
- Integrate appropriate technologies as needed
- Coordinate with outside work referrals as needed
Quick Tip
Add or improve lighting to your home. Dark hallway at night? Install a nightlight to light the way. Add brighter bulbs to your lamps, or purchase lamps which take brighter bulbs.
Time to Move?
Is it time to move on to a smaller home? We can help you move with less stress when you take advantage of our Perfect Move Organizing services.
General Organizing Services
Still too young at heart to think about aging in place and just want to get your home in order? Choose our home organizing service.